
How Does Your Brand Compare?
Many perceive the concept of growth as something that is a very straightforward. However, there are a multitude of factors that need to be taken into consideration when developing a growth strategy for your company and brand.
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Is Your Brand Ready To Stretch Into New Categories?
Every company is under pressure to grow their footprint and revenues. Many brands are looking for ways to do so on a global basis. In this workshop, we will determine what it takes to build valuable assets and..
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Brand Licensing Audit Workshop
Like many, you may have been considering launching a Brand Licensing program for several months or even years. However, you have been hesitant to pull the trigger as you just don’t know how much royalties..
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The Brand Licensing Workshop
Brand Licensing is one of the lesser known techniques for extending a brand into new categories. The following techniques provides extensive benefits and encourages a healthy brand licensing program
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