Prospective Licensee Application Template for Licensors

Smart brands use well-vetted forms to help them choose the best licensee for their brand. They ask a ton of questions because they want to maximize success and mitigate risk. Don’t get caught flat-footed. The more you know about licensee candidates the better you’ll get at selecting the right one.



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  • Know what to ask and how to ask it
  • Eliminate unsuitable licensees quickly
  • Uncover every licensee’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Find the best partner for your brand

Product Description

How To Qualify A Prospective Licensee

A comprehensive, thoughtfully-developed application form is critical for ensuring that prospective licensees have what it takes for the program to be successful.

I developed it when I worked as a brand licensing executive at Coca-Cola and Newell Rubbermaid and then continually refined it through my consulting work with other Fortune 500 brands. It’s an 11-page document filled with the kinds of questions brands are likely to ask.

Here’s an example of what kind of projections you should ask licensees for. It’s taken right out of my guide:
Projection Table

What you want to know about licensees

Picking the right licensee is imperative to a brand’s strategy. Whether they partner with a larger, more established licensee or go with a smaller one, determining the right fit requires asking the right questions.

Example Questions You Should Ask A Potential Licensee

First, brands need to know if potential licensees are a well-known, large outfit or a smaller, more regional business. For smaller licensees, the questions might include:
  • What kinds of products do you sell?
  • What channels do you distribute products?
  • Where are your products sold, locally or internationally?
  • How long have you been in existence?
For larger licensees that may be more familiar to the brand, the questions are a little different:
  • Where would my brand fit in your portfolio?
  • How does it compare to your already existing brands?
  • Do you have brands at a similar price point?
  • Do you see this as a short-term exclusive product, or are you looking for a longer-term commitment?
Small or large, here are some of the questions you should be asking all licensees:
  • What is the annual turnover of licensed products?
  • How many people, in terms of resources, are you going to put on my brand?
  • What is your incremental growth rate and annual sales rate (so I can compare it to my brand’s goals?)

Other books to read


Strategic Brand Licensing: Building Brand Value through Enduring Partnerships

This book presents a roadmap for a brand licensing strategy to enable companies to leverage brand value and expand into other product categories or into different markets.

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Case Studies

The Most Spectacular Brand Extension Failures

A whimsical stroll through the graveyard of history's most spectacular brand extension failures.

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Coaching Sessions

Spend time in increments of one hour with Pete over Zoom discussing topics including brand strategy, marketing strategy, brand expansion and brand licensing.

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