Breakthrough Licensing for Licensors

It is the licensor’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the licensee with the information they need to be successful. With over 30 years in the business, I can tell you that conducting a formal orientation with a particular emphasis on the approval process is critical to the success of a long-lasting licensing program.




Pete’s ideas are stimulating across a wide range of business types, even me as a small (micro!) art based business could apply the principles. I’ve read a lot of biz books but this one stands out. I purchased it both as a hard copy as well as through audible!

- Kristen R. Cronic, Amazon Review on Expand, Grow, Thrive

Through his LASSO method and dozens of examples, Canalichio reveals how brands enter new categories to the delight of their fans. This is a must read for anyone who is influenced by, sells based on the value of, or charged with the growth of, a brand, including their own.

- Dianne Thomas, Corporate Health Account Executive, Amazon Review on Expand, Grow, Thrive

Product Description

You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint yet every year I see brand extensions built without one. There are significant pitfalls to licensing and if you don’t develop a plan to address all of them you are doomed to failure.

That’s why I created Breakthrough Licensing for Licensors. It’s a blueprint for brand managers to make sure the foundation of the “home” they want to build is sound and that every “room” they build adds value.

Before I show you some thoughtful product line extension strategies, let’s talk about the pitfalls of brand licensing that even some of the largest brands have ignored to their peril.

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Breakthrough Licensing

Breakthrough Licensing for Licensees

This guide answers just about every question you, as a manufacturer or licensee, might have about finding prospective brands, winning, and profitably running a licensing program. 

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