Why Focusing On Brand Licensing Will Help Your Clients Succeed
I’ve been a big fan of Licensing Executives Society International (LESI), a global organization for licensing executives. As a member since the early 2000s, I’ve benefited so much from the industry discussion and expertise from others in the licensing field. I especially like that there are a lot of intellectual property attorneys in the organization, and although I know a lot about the legal aspects of licensing when it comes to brands, I think it’s so important to be around those who do this for a living and have insight that can benefit me and the work of the clients I represent. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to be invited to submit an article for their prestigious les Nouvelles, a quarterly journal that gets sent to their more than 10,000 members. I thought I’d share an excerpt of my article in this blog post, and here is the link to the full piece if you’d like to read more. This was published in the March 2024 issue.