What is your self testimonial?
These days, everyone has a testimonial. Whether it’s a company trying to sell a product, and show potential customers how much people like their stuff, or a business owner showing off their satisfied clients, we are swayed by other people’s words. Enough to find a good real estate agent, choose a restaurant or buy a salad spinner we don’t need.
A self-testimonial is a pretty special gift you can give yourself. Even if you don’t show it to anyone, take a moment to sit and think about what you’d say to someone about yourself. What are you really good at? What are you most proud of? What kind of reactions do you typically elicit in others? What do you love? How do you want others to feel?
I’ll start: My name is Pete, and my greatest passion is helping people see and experience their full potential. Yes, I do that in business, helping to position brands in the best light so that they grow and thrive in the minds of consumers, but I also do this in my own life, with the people I care about. The reason I do this is because I believe it’s my life purpose. My superpower is seeing the strength in others. I can shine a light where others might have a blindspot or see complete darkness. I always see potential. What makes me feel most alive is helping others see that in themselves, and encouraging them to use that potential to pursue their dreams. Also, I think I’m kind, honest and fair. I don’t think being a good guy is a disadvantage, nor do I think it’s a lie. This is who I really am, and I sure hope you will tell me who you are, too.
Will you try this exercise with me? Maybe you’ll feel a little uncomfortable at first, but why not give it a try? What do you have to lose?