What Does an Ideal Partnership Look Like?

In my opinion, it looks pretty darned close to Rory and Lorelai’s relationship in the Gilmore Girls. Surprised to see this kind of analysis in a story about business? Good! Let me explain.
But first, full disclosure: I LOVE the Gilmore Girls! My wife, Emily, and I watched every episode of all seven seasons, and we even watched the Netflix revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. I won’t spoil any of it for you, but my biggest takeaway from the show – besides an illustration of a really touching relationship between parent and child (something that resonates with me personally when it comes to my children!) – was that of equality, good communication and a genuine investment in growing together. Those are the hallmarks of a true partnership to me!
Not only that, but mom and daughter weren’t perfect. There were challenges that came from the fact that they didn’t see eye to eye all the time. Sometimes, they needed to go away a bit in order to come back together stronger. But they worked together seamlessly. They listened to each other. They were open minded about ideas, and shared responsibility. Also, they were accountable for their actions.
I’m definitely not recommending that all parents and children or family members go out and start an LLC! I think it takes a very special kind of bond in order to pull this off when it comes to business, but we’ve certainly seen many successful real-life examples of this. But I really think Rory and Lorelai are great models of what a true partnership looks like, in all its messiness. Because, ultimately, nothing worth doing will be easy. It’s in the journey that you learn the most, and come out a better leader AND a better partner!
What do you think about this partnership pairing? Don’t hold back if you’re a fan, too. I could talk about GG all day. 🙂
Image Credit: Frank Ockenfels/Warner Bros Tv/Kobal/Shutterstock