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The Reviews Are In!

The reviews are in! I’m really honored to have received some beautiful testimonials about my brand-new book, Strategic Brand Licensing. I feel so supported and appreciated, and didn’t want to keep these good words to myself. Why? Because I wrote this book with my co-author, Cristina Longo, for a reason: to share as much about the licensing process with as many people possible. It’s a topic that’s sorely missing in higher education, and it impacts everyone from celebrities to small business owners, and is something everyone could benefit knowing more about!

I was honored to get this glowing testimonial from Alex Locke, Founder & CEO, NFIP Holdings, LLC d/b/a Bored of Directors:

“I’m bursting with pride and gratitude for being included in this phenomenal book. If only it had been available decades ago when I first began charting my path! It’s an invaluable resource that could have profoundly shaped my career path and expanded my knowledge much earlier. The licensing industry is vast, touching every corner of global commerce, yet resources like this were rare before Pete Canalichio and Cristina Longo crafted this masterpiece. Their book fills a crucial gap by comprehensively and eloquently explaining licensing, its significance, and practical insights. Professionally, it’s a milestone for me; for the industry, it’s a giant leap toward empowering both existing and future leaders.”