Pete Canalichio Featured in Forbes Expert Panel Article

The article features 10 marketing experts and aims to help companies choose the proper social media avenues for their brands.
ATLANTA – On the heels of winning the Book Excellence Award for the second consecutive year, Amazon #1 New Release author Pete Canalichio continues to receive high recognition for his expertise in brand expansion and marketing. He was chosen in addition to nine other social media/marketing experts by Forbes to contribute to a monthly article. The piece aims to help companies choose the proper social media platforms for their marketing. (You can view Canalichio’s full Forbes profile here.)
Canalichio emphasized the importance of the ‘why’ in the article. “Why you do what you do is the first critical step to defining your brand narrative and must be answered before addressing what you do, how you do it and where to reach your target audience,” he said. “Consumers buy on emotion and knowing why you offer a product or service, your reason for existence, is the most important thing to share.”
The article explains that there are many different social media platforms, and each lend themselves to different demographics. This is why it is so important to choose consciously and proactively the correct platforms for a brand. For example, if Pete wanted to promote the sale of his book on brand marketing, Expand, Grow, Thrive, he would not use Instagram as it tends to be consumer facing and lends itself to younger demographics. LinkedIn and Twitter, which is more business facing, would be much better choices.
You can read the full article here.
About the Author – Pete Canalichio, the global authority on brand expansion, is on a mission to help brands become more alive in the hearts of those that experience them. He does that by helping them write a better story through compelling content, inspiring platform talks, in-depth consulting and workshops, and practical tools. Pete has written several articles for Forbes.
About the Book – Expand, Grow, Thrive uses powerful storytelling and offers unique access to the personal perspectives of top-flight marketers, who have developed truly world-class business growth programs. Canalichio gives readers insight into how brands literally expand, grow and ultimately thrive. The book helps readers understand what makes a brand irresistible and expandable, how to decide whether to expand, and then what it takes to build a best-in-class licensing program. It is a must for brand stewards, licensing professionals and business owners who want to partner with the world’s top brands. You can purchase it on Amazon here.